
Showing posts from September, 2018

20 Sleep Strategies to Refresh your Body and Recharge your Brain

Americans struggle with sleep more than ever with as many as one in three people having serious problems falling asleep at night; are you one of the 50 million people who struggle with one of the most basic of human needs? Creativity and health go down when you don’t get enough rest. Below are twenty sleep strategies proven to help your body and brain work together to help you get the refreshing sleep you need. As you read through these strategies be thinking of what patterns you can change to get the sleep your body needs. 1. Turn off Digital Blue Lights Your cell phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or TV creates a soft blue light which tends to stimulate the brain. Turn digital devices off about an hour before bedtime to build the best sleep hygiene pattern. 2. Build your Circadian Rhythm Proper sleep hygiene is about rituals and rhythms. The more you can ‘train’ your body to sleep and wake up about the same time every day – even on holidays and vacat

Stop the Lies destroying your Health and Happiness

Did you hear…. Kim Kardashian is quitting Hollywood to become a Kindergarten teacher BeyoncĂ© is going to stop singing to become an ESPN sports commentator Tim Tebow is giving up sports to become a Chick-fil-A manager in Florida People like to gossip almost as much as they like to repeat gossip, even if it’s not true. Falsehoods are so common they are frequently labeled #FakeNews in social media. You may not think about it much, but the same thing can happen in your personal life. (Not the celebrity part – but the fake news part). Humans are wired to believe rumors and gossip, even if they are outright lies - and it is a powerful force in relationships. You see, belief shapes behavior – even if the belief is completely based on a lie. When you and I meditate on a lie, it quickly alters our mood and our mindset.   Here are some of the common falsehoods that can steal your health and happiness. My ideal weight will bring an ideal mate, (the scale

When Anxiety Keeps You from Sleep

By Megan Brewer, IMH Anxiety is a growing epidemic in America. The National Alliance on Mental Health confirms that 18% of Americans struggle with anxiety, making it one of our most prevalent mental health issues.  It is not surprising then that many have anxiety-related sleep issues and stronger symptoms of anxiety when trying to fall asleep. Many factors can get our anxiety going. Anxiety may be noticeable during certain points of the day such as when experiencing the pressure of a meeting at work or the tension of doing well on a test at school. Some notice their anxiety constantly running alongside them throughout the day regardless of their activities.  But anxiety can seem easier to cope with when we are distracted from it. We may even think we have moved past it when we notice it subside around a trusted friend or occupying activity, but when we get home and crawl into bed, there it is - anxiety that is now more detectable in the absence of distractions! We lay in bed

Addiction: Narcissistic Style

By: Christine Hammond LMHC Andrea attended her first group therapy session at an inpatient female rehab facility. She expected there to be other strung out, burnt out woman like herself who were stressed from the conflicting demands of home and work life. But what she didn’t expect was a perfectly put together woman who seemed to have everything perfectly figured out. When the woman entered the room, everyone couldn’t help but stare. She was immaculately and fashionably dressed, with her makeup done and every hair in place – a look that was in direct opposition to the other group members. She strutted when she walked, tying hard to scan the room without being noticed. She made eye contact with one of the group members and smiled as if they had been friends their whole life. She had an air of importance, intimidation, control, and superiority. Leave it to narcissists to appear superior even in the midst of bottoming out from their addiction. One of the hardest t