
Showing posts from December, 2017

Create Integrity in One Hour says Expert

By Dwight Bain LMHC   Dr. Pat Morley challenges men to build a life of Integrity in one hour             Dr. Pat Morley has been challenging men to build integrity over thirty years. His process of creating a life of trust is simple and involves one hour per week asking a friend some tough questions. Accountability is the pathway to a life of trust, and as someone who has personally benefited from his one hour process it is listed below to challenge you and the leaders you may coach. If you are called to lead, then you must accept the call to be accountable.             Here are the questions to use as a guide for the one hour integrity session. You don't have to ask every question, but it is essential to cover the main areas to consistently build a life of meaning, purpose and integrity. Ask, listen and expect some tension when you ask the follow up question, "why would you say or do that?" Dealing with tough issues in private can prevent a lot of publ

Know Your Christmas Traditions

By Nate Webster IMH             Each Christmas people everywhere engage in dozens if not hundreds of different traditions. From drinking eggnog, to the mistletoe, to socks over the fire place and much, much, more. But how many of us actually know the origins of these timeless traditions? Learning about the history of traditions can be incredibly fun. It reminds us that we are apart of a very long and wonderful history of people celebrating the holidays. So lets look into the origins of three popular traditions. Eggnog: Many of us drink eggnog, and can’t resist its thick eggy goodness, but if we are honest, it is a strange drink. There are very few drinks similar to it, so where does this random eggnog drink come from. Well according to Elizabeth Dias of Time Magazine, “While culinary historians debate its exact lineage, most agree eggnog originated from the early medieval Britain “posset,” a hot, milky, ale-like drink. By the 13th century, monks were known to drink a pos