Formula to Create Positive Change in the New Year

Formula to create positive change in the new year
By Dwight Bain, Nationally Certified Counselor & Certified Life Coach

Change is the only constant element in life, so we either have to get used to it and grow, or get run over by it and gripe. Since most of us are creatures of habit and have difficulty accepting change, here are a few tips to help you stay “W.E.L.L.” as you take bold steps to make this year your very best year. My friend John Maxwell says that "we tend to overestimate what we can do in a week and underestimate what we can do in a year." So as you begin to map out how to create positive changes in your life this year, plan on reviewing this formula weekly to track your success. Also, remember that my main goal is to make life work better for you, so keep in touch as you have time so we can rejoice together in the positive steps you have taken to live a better life.

W- Wellness
You need sleep, a healthy diet, exercise and quiet time in peaceful meditation to manage the stress of daily life. This will require building routines to strengthen your physical-emotional-relational- and spiritual balance. Keeping your lifestyle healthy will allow you to feel your best regardless of the changing circumstances around you.

E- Evaluate
Most people spend more time planning their summer vacation than they do planning their lives. The old saying is true, "most people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan." I recommend that you assess your problems and pressures against your life purpose and priorities to then develop a logical written plan of action to resolve them on a weekly basis. Also, especially focus on the next 90 days since short term goals are more important than long term ones because they keep your energy and focus on the daily disciplines necessary to live a better quality of life today which will keep you moving in the right direction for the future.

L- Listen
You need a mentor, and you need to listen. Everyone receives counseling or coaching from somewhere, (talk-shows, blogs, friends, clergy, professionals, books, family and even hair-dressers), however, you will become like who you hang around the most. Unless you really want to become Homer Simpson, you need to make sure you spend more time watching positive role models and mentors than negative ones in media. Also, it's helpful to know what your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses are, so you are prepared to benefit from a realistic approach in knowing what to do next to build on your strengths. If you don't know what to do next, that's where a professional can often step in to give you guidance and direction to achieve greater results.

L- Live
Don’t get so busy with the details of living that you forget how to live! Life is made up of relationships, and nothing is worth sacrificing the value of life...celebrate the people and business opportunities that God has given you every day so that you are known as someone so busy counting blessings that you don't have time to count your problems. Remember, "Life is a gift, that's why they call it the present!"

As you consider building a better quality of life keep in mind that there will be a number of people who will actually try to talk you out of making positive changes because it would force them to change as well. Many people fear change and would do anything to avoid it, however, by practicing these steps you can grow stronger through change, and have the time of your life in the process. My heart's desire every day is to help someone live a life that is full to over-flowing. So here's the most important question for you to answer, "is this your year to change?"

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Dwight Bain is a master at helping you reach your goals by coming alongside to add greater value in your personal and professional life. He is an author, professional member of the National Speakers Association, Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Family Law Mediator and Certified Life Coach with over 25 years of experience. His dynamic communication style is designed to help you create rapid results with the strategic coaching approach he has used with thousands of people and organizations like- Toyota, duPont, Bank of America, Florida Hospital and Disney. He has been quoted by Investors Business Daily, the New York Times, Sacramento Bee, the Orlando Sentinel & NewsDay. Access over 100 blogs designed to save you time by solving stressful situations by visiting


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