20 Sleep Strategies to Refresh your Body and Recharge your Brain
Americans struggle with sleep more than ever with as many as one in three
people having serious problems falling asleep at night; are you one of the 50
million people who struggle with one of the most basic of human needs?
Creativity and health go down when you
don’t get enough rest.
Below are twenty sleep strategies proven
to help your body and brain work together to help you get the refreshing sleep
you need. As you read through these strategies be thinking of what patterns you
can change to get the sleep your body needs.
1. Turn off Digital Blue Lights
Your cell phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or TV creates a soft blue
light which tends to stimulate the brain. Turn digital devices off about an
hour before bedtime to build the best sleep hygiene pattern.
2. Build your Circadian Rhythm
Proper sleep hygiene is about rituals and rhythms. The more you
can ‘train’ your body to sleep and wake up about the same time every day – even
on holidays and vacation, the more your body clock will create a pattern for
deeper and more satisfying sleep.
3. Skip Clock Watching
If you tend to wake up throughout the night skip watching the
minutes click by on a bedside clock or electronic device. The more you are
worried about ‘only three hours until I have to get up,’ the less you will be
able to mentally rest and fall back asleep.
4. Give up Napping
Better nighttime sleep is the goal, so replace midafternoon
sleepiness with a brief walk, big glass of water or inspiration song. Perk up
with activity to protect your nighttime sleep pattern.
5. Change Pillows
Most people know to change their mattress every decade but few
know to change their pillow much more often. Using pillows to cushion parts of
your body or create proper alignment with spine and hips tends to ease joint
pain for many and allow for restful sleep. There are custom pillows designed
just for specific joint pains and can be very effective to help your body avoid
the pain that may be keeping you awake.
6. Skip Caffeine late in the day
A morning cup of java will not affect your sleep at night, but
caffeine throughout the day can hurt your body’s ability to fall into a restful
sleep. Soda, tea, chocolate and some weight loss pills can contain hidden
sources of caffeine so improve your sleep by removing these from your diet in
the late afternoon or evening.
7. Nutrition for Relaxation
The old saying of eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a
peasant applies for better sleep. Skip eating a huge dinner, since it can
overwork digestion and prevent falling into a deep sleep. Having a light evening
snack about an hour before falling asleep tends to work best for most people.
8. Avoid Alcohol
Drinking alcohol can make some people very sleepy, while it makes
other people impulsive or mean. Alcohol induced sleep is not a deep sleep, and
can lead to a pattern of alcohol dependence to fall asleep or multiple times of
being awake during the night as blood alcohol changes. Better is to have some
herbal tea, milk or other soothing drinks as part of your nighttime sleep
9. Break the Potty Break Pattern
You may have heard that as human’s age, they get up more times at
night to go to the restroom. Want to break that pattern? Manage your intake of
fluids about two hours prior to bedtime so your bladder doesn’t need to be
emptied at 3am every night. Avoid the temptation to grab your phone as a
nightlight on your way to the restroom since a Facebook post or text message
might mentally perk you up enough to not fall back asleep. Better to get a
low-wattage nightlight to plug in to prevent stubbing your toe or tripping on
the way to the restroom.
10. Leverage the Light
The human brain will make melatonin as the lights get lower.
Leverage this natural pattern by dimming the lights in your home about two
hours prior to bedtime. Lower light is another powerful way to train your brain
to get sleepy and get you better sleep. If you like to read at night, use a
light dimmer to achieve the same brain effect until you get sleepy enough to
turn out the lights for the deep sleep your body needs.
11. Silence is Golden for Better Sleep
Barking dogs, trains, airplanes or busy traffic can create the
type of noise that prevents deep sleep. Some people benefit from ear plugs,
others report masking the noise with a substitute ‘white noise’ works better
for them. These sound machines are easy to find at appliance stores or online
or on the APP store and they create soothing sounds to help you fall asleep
12. Journal the Worry away
The sleep deprived often talk about not being able to ‘turn my
brain off,’ which is a sign of intelligence, and often a sign of sleep
deprivation. Solve this pattern by writing down the worries troubling you, the
major decisions to be made or stresses of the day.
13. Schedule and Routine are your best
sleep buddies
The more you put your body on a sleep schedule, the faster you
will fall asleep and stay asleep. Your body has a clock and responds best to
predictable times to fall asleep and wake up, even on holidays or the weekend.
Create the habit of better sleep and see how quickly you can think clearly and
feel better the rest of the day.
14. Sleep Rituals create Mental
The human body responds to predictable patterns. Think of how you
start to feel hungry at 12 noon, even if you had a late breakfast. Your brain
begins thinking about eating and that thinking leads to stimulation of
appetite. Sleep works in much of the same way. Building relaxation techniques,
like a warm bath, or reading an inspirational book or listening to calming
music will help craft this pattern, which you can use in any time zone to feel
in charge of falling and staying asleep and then waking up refreshed.
15. Exercise Early
Regular exercise helps your muscles stretch and cardiovascular
system stay healthy. A huge workout is fine early in the day, but as the day
goes on it is best to lighten the workout pattern to allow the huge spike of
energy from exercise to wear off in preparation for sleep. Heavy workouts late
at night will not help you sleep, it will only ramp you up. Go easy as the day
goes on and watch how quickly your sleep improves.
16. Make your Bedroom Sleep Friendly
Make your bedroom environment sleep friendly with protection from
outside light sources, removing noise distractions and removing televisions
from the bedroom. While some people report being able to fall asleep to the
television, it doesn’t seem to put them into a deep enough sleep. Solve this by
removing anything in your bedroom that prevents the deep, restful sleep your
body needs.
17. Chill the Room before you Chill
your Mind
Earlier a different kind of ‘chill’ was mentioned, that being the
value of journaling out fears and worries a few hours before bedtime. This kind
of chill is about temperature, since most people report falling asleep easier
if temperatures are around 70 degrees.
18. Manage your Mattress
Mattress manufactures suggest changing mattresses at least once
per decade for good quality sleep. Today there are dozens of types of
mattresses available to overcome any sleep challenge you may be facing. Take a
weekend afternoon to mattress shop and see your options as you consider
managing the place you will spend 1/3 of your lifetime. Your bed.
19. People
only – no Pets Allowed
Perhaps the most controversial sleep strategy is a basic one. Beds
are for humans. While many people allow their dog or cat to sleep in their
beds, it doesn’t make for a better night of sleep. Pets have fur, dander,
pollen, and sometimes fleas or ticks that can affect your health.
20. Pray to end the Day
Little children are taught to say bedtime prayers as part of a
restful ritual. Adults can do the same. Move beyond ‘now I lay me down to
sleep,’ to a deeper conversation about giving your worries to God as you simply
fall asleep and rest. Letting go of the worry won’t make it go away forever,
but for eight hours you can rest up to face them with new confidence the next
Sleep is one of the most basic human needs. Take these strategies
to heart as you focus on building a better quality of life for yourself and for
those you care about.
many more practical ways to manage stress? Visit www.LifeworksGroup.org for our blog
full of counseling tips and strategies to make life work better for you.