
Showing posts from July, 2020

5 Ways to Identify and Deal with a Victim Mentality

By: Brian Murray LMHC, NCC A person with a victim mentality is someone who is experiencing negative feelings and tries to hold others accountable for these feelings. They hold the belief that nothing can be said or done to improve their circumstances, which keeps them stuck in victim mode. They feel vulnerable around people and believe that others have malevolent intentions towards them. A victim mentality is also one of the key traits of a behavioral condition known as Codependency and also Dependent Personality Disorder.   Accountability and responsibility are absent in this person’s life. They do not take ownership of themselves. Instead, they try to get others to be responsible for them and their feelings. For example, “you make me angry” is a very common phrase they use. The truth is nobody makes you angry. People may say and do things that make you feel angry, but the anger belongs to the person experiencing it. So, if you are angry, you are the one who is accountable a