
Showing posts from November, 2010

Stuck in Survival Mode?

Managing stressful moods attached to money By Dwight Bain When you are one paycheck away from financial disaster it doesn’t take much to trip and fall over into the abyss of despair. News of foreclosures, downsizing and soaring bankruptcy levels only make it worse for terrified and stressed out families who often feel stuck in what I call “ Survival Mode ”. When a family feels stuck in the survival mode they worry about everything . Stress comes from every side; getting enough groceries or gasoline can be a struggle, trying to figure out how to get through the challenges of making rent, trying to find enough money to turn around and pay down their growing debts. A roof over their head is one of the biggest factors because often they are forced to move from the home they have lived in for years over to more affordable temporary housing. They have to go through major adjustments because of reduced financial resources which ripple over into areas you might not think of like family members