
Showing posts from January, 2010

Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD develops differently from person to person. If you’ve lived through a traumatic incident, your symptoms may appear within hours or days of the event, or they may take weeks, months, or even years to develop. Symptoms can arise suddenly, gradually, or come and go over time. There are three main types of PTSD symptoms:re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the trauma and symptoms of hyper-arousal or heightened anxiety. In the days or months following a traumatic event, you may find yourself alternating between re-experiencing the event and avoiding reminders of it, with symptoms of increased arousal as the common backdrop. Re-experiencing the traumatic event The most disruptive symptoms of PTSD involve the flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive memories of the traumatic event. You may be flooded with horrifying images, sounds, and recollections of what happened. You may even feel like it’s happening again. These symptoms are sometimes referred to as intrusions, si

Does "The Shack" solve Childhood Trauma?

Commentary and review from Dwight Bain “The Shack” is one of the most popular fiction books in the country with millions of copies in print. Could it be because the author, Paul Young, used this parable story to address the issue of finding resolution from his own childhood trauma? Here's an overview of "The Shack" as well as the testimony of the author, which explains much of his orientation in writing a book like this one; which was almost an autobiography of his own healing journey from sexual abuse and adultery. The author spoke in the Orlando area last year and I could hear his heart and motivation to write this book. Knowing the author will always give you a better understanding of the intended message, and often will help you to understand why so many people are connecting to this little paperback book about getting past their secrets, shame and pain to really feeling free in a relationship with God as their "Papa". The Shack, by William Paul Young, 2007

Action vs. Self-Delusion

by Jim Rohn Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Action. The whole world loves to watch those who make things happen, and it rewards them for causing waves of productive enterprise. I stress this because today I see many people who are really sold on affirmations. And yet there is a famous saying that “faith without action serves no useful purpose.” How true! I have nothing against affirmations as a tool to create action. Repeated to reinforce a disciplined plan, affirmations can help create wonderful results. But there is also a very thin line between faith and folly. You see, affirmations without action can be the beginnings of self-delusion. And for your well-being, there is little worse than self-delusion. The man who dreams of wealth, and yet walks daily toward certain financial disaster, and the woman who wishes for happiness, and yet thi

Lord, I Want The Adventure... or Do I?

By Aaron Welch, LMHC, NCC, CSOTS I wrote, recently, that I have been in a spiritual funk. I know, the word “funk” is not very technical but it’s hard for me to fully explain what I’m dealing with. After three years of drawing closer and closer in my walk with God, I suddenly have come upon a new period of “wilderness”, of testing. Umm….this one caught me off-guard. I wasn’t ready for it. I thought that I would just continually move towards knowing the Lord better, praying for Him to make me a warrior for Him and that all would be hunky-dory. So, when suddenly my prayers felt distant and my time in the Word felt hollow; when my finances were less than my bills; when fasting produced little immediate results, I did what any self-respecting “warrior” for God would do: I panicked. I freaked out. I became fearful and began to doubt my ministry, my calling, my heart, my relationship with God, pretty much everything. I began to look for ways to take matters into my own han

Plan Your Action...Then Put Action to Your Plan!

By Paul J. Meyer and Kevin Rhea Every day, every week, and every month will take you closer to your goals IF you are planning your action and then putting action to your plan. These three steps will help you reach your goals: Step One: MONTHLY PLANNING -- Reserve one hour at the end of each month to plan for the coming month. (This can be a quick review if you plan in 90-day cycles.) -- Survey your goals for the year/quarter and your progress on them. -- Break goals and projects down into steps you can accomplish each week. -- Designate specific due dates for completing these interim steps. -- If what you plan will take several months, divide it into steps so that you can accomplish a little each month. Step Two: WEEKLY PLANNING -- Set aside half an hour every Friday afternoon or Monday morning to plan for the upcoming week. -- Look over the goals you've set for the week, and consider any additional tasks that you need to accomplish. -- Divide tasks planned into steps, and choose a


40 insights to break habits and build strength to become your best! BY Dwight Bain, LMHC,NCC & Certified Life Coach Physical & Spiritual 1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. 3. Eat more natural foods, rich with nutrients while avoiding processed foods 4. Live with the 3 E's - Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy for others 5. Build restful activities into your day to reduce stress 6. Play outside more, so you can 're-create' natural energy 7. Read more inspirational books than you did last year 8. Sit in silence to meditate and reflect on God's blessings to you 9. Sleep for at least 7 hours a night 10. Make sure to add in gentle exercise, like a brisk daily walk. Every step adds value to your life Personality: 11. Spend your time and energy focused on your personal best instead of comparing yourself to others 12. Focus on positive thought

How Much Water Per Day Do You Really Need?

By Dr. Walt Larimore This is not an infrequent question for me to be asked. And, a very nice article by Mara Betsch at will give you the information you need to answer this question for yourself, your family, and your friends: You’ve heard it before: Drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your body trim, healthy, and happy. Though water is vital in a variety of bodily functions and processes, you may not have to drink as much as you think. Unlike other vital nutrients, water doesn’t have specific daily requirements. Just like everyone has different caloric needs, a person’s water intake is affected by age, weight, activity level, and environment. In a report from the Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine, the group offers a ballpark estimation: Women should drink approximately 2.7 liters (about 11 cups) and men approximately 3.7 liters (more than 15 cups) of total water a day. However, the key word in this sentence is total. In fact, you